WOW! It was so great hearing the buzz this morning in class about the Mathletics website. If you are able to get online at home keep challenging yourself. Remember to tell me in the morning if you need extra time in class if you couldn't get in at home. We are trialling it for a week to see how it goes.
Team Weaver | August 25, 2010 at 1:42 PM
Aidan wasn't to thrilled when he found out he had to do more maths but on the computer...however he was so excited once he started. It was hard to get him off!
Paula Stewart | August 25, 2010 at 4:12 PM
That is so good to hear. All the kids are buzzing from it!
Learning and Teaching Buzz | August 28, 2010 at 8:33 AM
Thanks Rm 7 for being part of the Mathletics trial. This may be something we could continue. If you'd like to leave a comment under Mathletics on the Rm 8 blog, we would love to read it. Even better, become a follower of our blog too! Keep up the awesome effort with your learning.