Earthquake Awareness

In class this week Room 7 have created Earthquake posters to inform people of what to do in that situation. Our thoughts are going out to all Canterbury residents at this time. Please check out our Earthquake Website which has all the information on what to do if an earthquake strikes. We will be sending home an emergency plan today for you to fill out with your family. This can be done together so everyone in your household knows what to do.


  • Learning and Teaching Buzz | September 11, 2010 at 9:28 AM

    Go Rm 7! I can't wait to see your posters - don't forget to share them. You could put them on your blog to remind people.
    I'm from Christchurch so I'm really missing home at the moment and hoping that they can get back to normal as soon as possible.
    It's great that you're investigating how to be prepared for an earthquake. You will develop lots of great strategies that you can share with others.

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