"Yin Yang Yo in Space" by Jack C

5,4,3,2,1, BLAST OFF ‘’Yang you do know that It’s only your video game’’ said Yin. Suddenly the phone rang, Yin and Yang both raced for it. Master Yo got it. He put it on speaker phone ‘’Calling any two volunteers to go to the moon and Defeat Carl-the-evil-cockroach-wizard with only a bottle of Powerade to survive’’ said a random dude on the phone. ‘’Yang are you thinking what I’m thinking’’ thought Yin. ‘’Yes ah what is it’’ replied Yang ‘’We’ve beat him thousands of times’’ ‘’ Ok’’ uttered Yang.

So they looked all around town for the place to take off and weirdly the last place they looked was the dojo and the ship is the wufu battle cruiser. ‘’Master Yo you rang? But you answered it ‘’ ‘’Wufu Dumb Dumb’’ ‘‘Right go you guys the planet is in Jeopardy’’ Yelled Master Yo. ‘‘5,4,3,2,1 BLAST OFF now it’s real’’ gasped Yin. ‘’Lights on, maximum thrusters, on shrink ray, get ready… SHRINK RAY GO!!!!” yelled Yang. ‘’You are now out of Orbit’ said the ship Robotically ‘’You are 5,00,00,000,000,0000000000,0,00, miles away from the moon”’ said the ship again ‘’lets go light speed’ yelled Yang

‘’Yang’’ shrieked Yin ‘’You are now 1 metre away from the moon.” So they got their space suits on and jumped on the moon and saw Carl-the-evil-cockroach-wizard and he was in Stadium Southland. Yin yelled ‘’YINCINARAY’’ then Yang yelled “YANGARANG” and threw it at Carl-the-evil-cockroach-wizard and killed him.


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