Homework Week 4

Homework for this week...

  • Everyone is to continue with their Spellathon words.  These will be officially tested on Friday 3rd June.
  • Practise your times tables.  There are great sites on our Blog which help with this.
  • CHALLENGE FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS: Visit the Public Library.  Show me on your blogs what area you like reading in there and the types of books you choose.  
  • Remember to email your applications for Jibboo jobs to me by Sunday at 1pm. 
  • Year 6 children, an email is coming home tonight from Mr Herring about the Young Leaders!  Yay, can't wait!!!

Homework Week 4

Homework will be given on Tuesday.  Please make sure you ALL look at home for the Literature Circle Books...Secret 7 #1, Mr Klutz # 2, Puppy Place #3 and Cliff Edge #3.

We will be testing some of your Spelathon words on Tuesday as well.  So impressed with the practise that has been going on at home so far....keep it up Room 7!


We have the following jobs to be appointed. Please email your Prime Minister at paulastewart14@gmail.com with your application letter. You should include a brief description why you consider yourself a worthy candidate. (no bribes will be taken!)

* Salaries indicated are weekly payments

1. Bank Manager -$30 Snidges
- organise and manage the bank and bank tellers.
- co-ordinate salary payments with Payroll Officer
- c-ordinate tax payments with Tax Officer

2. Bank Tellers (4) - $15 Snidges 
- work for the Bank Manager and provide services for TS Bank

3. Business Manager $25 Snidges
- create and collect business applications
- manage property allocation for businesses
- solve potential business disputes

4. Tax Collector $20 Snidges
- Observe businesses and collect tax revenue
- Make tax payments to the TS Bank account

5. Payroll Officer $20 Snidges
- Co-ordinate week pay for TS staff with Bank Manager

6. Refuse Controller (2) $10 Snidges
- Empty rubbish bins daily
- co-ordinate future recycling projects

7. Librarian (2) $15 Snidges
- Collect, manage and return school Library books and Literature Circle books

8. Art Supplies Manager $15 Snidges
- Maintain the art area.

9. Sports Gear Co-ordinator (2) $10
- manage all classroom PE Gear.

10. Messenger $15 Snidges
- distribute all messages around the school

11. Classroom IT Technitians (3) $20 Snidges
- Start and close all computers each day
- Manage and maintain all classroom technology

Applications close - Sunday 29th May @ 1pm.
Successful applicants posted on this blog - Monday 30th May.

Sandwich Time!

As a tuning in Activity in class for Writing Instructions, Room 7 wrote down instructions (what they thought were specific instruction) on how to make a sandwich.  What they didn't know was that today they had to follow their instructions to the letter!  Some very interesting spreading happened.  What we learnt...Be VERY specific when writing instructions!

Welcome Back to Term 2!

Hi team!  Great 1st week back at school.  I have been trying to upload the video from our leaf fight but am having technical troubles at the moment.  I will have to get my 'Angel Techies' onto the job tomorrow!

This week we are going to be looking at the best way to reflect on your learning in class.  Start thinking of ways you can cover all aspects on your Blog.