"The Captured Ballerina" by Aidan

One day a ballerina decided to go to Stadium Southland.
So she did. When she got there she saw a soccer ball so she started playing with it, until Mario came in with a Rail Laser Gun. Mario was so excited because he wanted to freeze the ballerina with the special gun. Suddenly the ballerina turned into a Vampire Bat ahhhhh!!! Mario was so freaked out he started running. Once Mario got out Stadium Southland the bat turned into a steaming mad White Rhino.

Mario rung the zoo and they came to capture the rhino. They took the rhino to they zoo and put it in the rhino cage. Guess who was in the truck…Luigi! Mario said “Thanks bro”.

When it was night time and no zoo guards were around, Mario and Luigi poked the rhino with a mini electric bug and it didn’t fell a thing.


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